Baking Seed Cake for High Tea


Tie birch twigs together to form your whisk,

dry six pounds of flour before the fire. When

making peaks, whip for half an hour.


Use two pounds of smooth caraways, sugar

and sweet spice, lemon peel, eight whites

and yolks, orange flower water, a pint of cream,


a pound and a half of butter. Seed Cake takes time,

it’s worth it, Caraway seeds are divine.

Add another two hours: one for your elbow


as you beat ingredients together. The other

to pour into a hoop and bake. Buttery crust

contrasts a muffin-soft interior.


Peacock Lord will not be in, the riches of fine

tableware will be paraded. Designs with tiny handles,

too small for ladies pinched forefingers,


a masterclass of etiquette to drink tea

without spilling. Caraway seeds bring a mix

of flavour, aroma and benefits to your high table;


seeds give healthy digestion, weight loss

and keep blood sugar levels stable,

none of this balance is known in the 18th Century.


Back then equilibrium was sought, a tension

in the concentration needed to portray perfect poise

and posture, which guaranteed a fluffy-crumb free dress.



By Nina Lewis

Former Worcestershire Poet Laureate, International Guest Poet in Australia (Perth Poetry Festival), curator of Transatlantic Poetry Projects and a Director of Worcestershire LitFest & Fringe. Nina has two collections: Fragile Houses and Patience (V. Press).

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