The Museum of Royal Worcester does its utmost to keep all the information it holds safe and secure. All information we request is necessary for the completion of orders placed. This is for the purpose of billing and delivery. It also allows you to track the state of your order and allow you easier access when you return to the site. All transactions on this website are directed through PayPal. We do not hold or store any card details. Please note: You do not need a PayPal account to use the PayPal system.
User ID and web contributions
Any content submitted to the Museum of Royal Worcester website under a user account will not be visible to the public alongside any submission you make. No other private information will be viewable. You can access all your personal identifiable information that we collect online and maintain by logging in to your account. You can correct factual errors in your personally identifiable information within your account via your profile page or by sending the webmaster a request that credibly shows error. Amendments or deletions to personal information will roll out to all activity you have had on the site.
If you have signed up to receive e-mail newsletters from the Museum of Royal Worcester you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link that appears at the bottom of every newsletter. We do not share your information with third-parties – the data we collect is solely for the usage of the Museum of Royal Worcester.
Social Media
Where we are active on third party sites that feature sharing or social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etcetera) we may very occasionally contact you directly in relation to activities we are running on these sites