Display vases


They searched to wind scoured shore

And when the tide withdrew

Sought mussels on the rocks,

Striking them from their hold

With hammers of sea rolled stones.

They left their footprints in the mud For archaeologists to find.


We still are hunter gatherers at heart,

Prowling the supermarket aisles

To snatch from shelves

He nutriments we need,

Or picking the from farm shop bins the he freshest fruit.


It’s sad that in these days

A table’s rarely laid with cutlery and glass,

A cloth spread out and dishes neatly set.

Plates balanced on our knees

Before the T.V, screen.

We have forgotten the pleasures of a meal taken at leisure.

Maybe there still are memories of Christmas feasts –


Meanwhile museums beautifully display

Th decorated flat-ware of a long gone age.

Awe struck, we stand in silent homage to the past.


By Angela Lanyon

A writer, poet, playwright and former theatre manager.

Also, a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.

Shortly to self publish RANDOM RHYMES, a book of light verse.

I suppose at 93 the fact that one is compos mentos is an achievement.

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