Worcester Porcelain – A Collector’s Tale Talk by Colin Millett
In ‘A Collector’s Tale’ Colin Millett brings his enthusiasm and knowledge as a collector to you. He has crisscrossed the country, particularly the Midlands, to find new pieces. He shares tales of some of his astonishing finds – like a Henry Chamberlain cabinet plate of Worcester Cathedral with the inscription ‘18 December 1896′ on its rim, found in the Antiques Centre, Abergavenny, precisely one whole century later on 18 December 1996.
An enthusiastic collector of Worcester Porcelain for over 40 years, Colin says:
‘I’ve had a life-long love affair and passion for all things ‘Worcester’
A number of life events came together to ignite Colin’s interest in the Porcelain. He came to Worcester in the 70s to study history and train to be a teacher, some timely advice took him to the Dyson Perrins Museum (now the Museum of Royal Worcester), and a small blue and white milk jug, c. 1760 – first period Dr Wall – given as a present, sealed his fate.
His love affair with porcelain extends to the model makers and painters who crafted the pieces in his collection. He shares the antics of the infamous ‘Saucy Six’ – a group of six female painters who declared that ‘if any man upset one of them then look out!’, and little-known gems from the lives of some of the Porcelain greats – Freda Doughty, George Owen, Kitty Blake, Harry Davis and three of the five strong members of the Stinton Family, affectionately known as ‘the Holy Trinity’.
Colin describes collecting as ‘going on a hunting expedition’, with no expectations, but with a lot of hope. His stories and tips will inspire collectors and novice collectors alike.
Colin has recently brought out a new book – Ladies of the Porcelain – Royal Worcester lady modellers’ and painters, which can be bought in the Museum of Royal Worcester shop. He’s also telling some of these tales in a talk of the same name.
An entertaining talk for anyone with an interest in or a collector of Worcester porcelain.
Colin is the author of Worcester Porcelain – A Collector’s Tale. Signed copies of his book may be purchased from the Museum shop.

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